Part of our vision of at Life and Light Fellowship Church is restoring broken lives and serving our community. We do this through various activities/projects (see below) in addition to collaborating with other churches and agencies across Handsworth and neighbouring wards to provide wider community support.
For more information about any of the projects listed below, please contact the church office on 0121 554 8550 or email lifeandlight@btconnect.com
Improving physical and mental wellbeing, creating community and addressing poverty through working together to help community members learn how to grow their own food.
We aim to actively respond to the needs of the youth in our community, build resilience and character and give young people the confidence and life skills they need to live, learn, work and achieve.
We currently partner with Handsworth Food Bank to support The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
Our aim is to support and improve the well-being of the elders within our community. We do this by offering a combination of one-to-one support and group activities.
We offer at confidential one-to-one bereavement support service for those who are struggling with grief and loss.
We love our community and are committed to working with and alongside members of the community, community groups and the local authority to bring about change. Throughout the year we organise events to promote unity within our community.

There has never been a more significant time for everyone to be computer literate; from children learning how to be internet safe to our seniors learning how to connect with others.
Although we have provided digital advice and support to members of our community throughout the pandemic, we know our work isn't done. It is hoped that during 2023 and beyond, we will have enough laptops/desktop PCs to run computer clubs free of charge for all those who want to:
develop their digital skills,
connect with loved
stay safe online.